This blog is supposed to help me improve my (once upon a time) non-existent writing skills. My first, biggest supporter in this endeavour and the person, who finally got me started, is Hakuna Matata. Which is why, I am ashamed to admit that once upon a time I did not appreciate Hakunas Poetry writing efforts. I could do much better, I told myself. This air of superiority quickly evaporated when I actually tried to write something and discovered my lack of any (poetry, prose, drama, test-answers, internship application) writing skills. Since then (that was a good three years ago) I have managed to produce this blog and some pathetic and extremely pretentious attempts at poetry, I still haven’t managed to get around to writing test answers and my internship applications are written by my parents.
The chirpy (and slightly daft, is there ever any other sort) best friend on a TV show announced that, “Yes! She was dating and that they were in ‘like’, she and her boyfriend liked each other”. This made me smile and reminded me of one of my poems I had written earlier. It was all about a girl explaining to her (possibly indignant and ego-ruffled) boyfriend that she doesn’t “love” him but yes she does “Like” him and that she doesn’t use either word lightly. This led to another memory of my birthday, it must have been 4 in the morning and the revelries were just winding down, we were lying on my bed exhausted with dancing and high on cola and ice-cream (I do drink....... It’s just that I drink like a hyperactive 5 year old) and the song “Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar Hai” was bursting through the speakers, someone tried to get me to name one person to whom I could dedicate this song and I drew a blank! I thought and thought, but it came to naught. No one, no love, no crush no nothing. I guess it made me feel alone. This feeling of being alone used to come quite often, it’s getting rarer as I get more and more comfortable in my own skin and even more importantly as I get more and more accepting of others. But when it does come, I crash and Burn. Last night we were high again, (on alcohol, cola and freedom from moots respectively) and the talk turned to boyfriends, flings and the like, the problems, the fun, the dilemmas, the .......... the high with freedom from moots friend sighed and said that she missed her ex. I could feel a shell starting to grow, I miss exes I never had.
This feeling of being ‘alone’ is very psychologically upsetting and hurting and physically discomfiting, I once described it to my mother as, “you can literally feel the hormones and chemicals whooshing around in your body, reacting, bubbling and boiling over”. I also feel guilty, I have never had these many friends, such close, steady and supportive friendships. Perhaps I feel lonely, because I can’t empathise with them when they have these relationship talks, I feel different, because I have no clue and nothing to say to them, no way of helping them, no way of understanding them. No way of understanding me, is it a repressed sexuality manifesting itself as complete asexuality, or maybe I am asexual, maybe I’m a repressed homosexual thus acting asexual. My head could burst, when will I be able to find answers? I don’t know.
I get by, to quote Richard, Paul, George and John, with a little help from my friends and an abundance of optimism. For you see despite being a brainwashed, brahm - Guilt enveloped, practical, not very girly, man hating, feminism spewing, not a good human being (so, I’ve been told, but that’s another story) oblivious and lost girl, I am a romantic at heart. Things will happen, I will make them happen, I have faith in fate and I have faith in myself and some person out there. I will find my answers and I will overcome the whooshing hormones, whether with a guy, a girl my friends or my family. I don’t have a relationship, but I do have a song.
When I see you on the street, I lose my concentration.
Just the thought that we might meet creates anticipation.
Won't you look my way once before you go
and my eyes will say what you ought to know.
Well I've been thinkin' about you day and night
and I don't know if it'll work out right
but somehow I think that it just might...if we try.
Faces come and faces go in circular rotation.
But something yearns within to grow beyond infatuation.
Won't you look my way once before you go
and my eyes will say what you ought to know.
Well you've got me standin' deaf and blind...
cause I see love as just a state of mind...
and who knows what it is that we might find...if we try.
You're walking a different direction from most people I've met.
You're givin' me signs of affection I don't usually get.
I don't want you to pledge your future the future's not yours to give.
Just stand there a little longer and let me watch while you live.
Well I've been thinking about you day and night...
and I don't know if it will work out right...
but somehow I think that it just might...if we try.
Somehow I think that it just might if we try.
Yes somehow I think that it just might if we try.
Thank You Don Mclean........
When I see you on the street, I lose my concentration.
Just the thought that we might meet creates anticipation.
Won't you look my way once before you go
and my eyes will say what you ought to know.
Well I've been thinkin' about you day and night
and I don't know if it'll work out right
but somehow I think that it just might...if we try.
Faces come and faces go in circular rotation.
But something yearns within to grow beyond infatuation.
Won't you look my way once before you go
and my eyes will say what you ought to know.
Well you've got me standin' deaf and blind...
cause I see love as just a state of mind...
and who knows what it is that we might find...if we try.
You're walking a different direction from most people I've met.
You're givin' me signs of affection I don't usually get.
I don't want you to pledge your future the future's not yours to give.
Just stand there a little longer and let me watch while you live.
Well I've been thinking about you day and night...
and I don't know if it will work out right...
but somehow I think that it just might...if we try.
Somehow I think that it just might if we try.
Yes somehow I think that it just might if we try.
Thank You Don Mclean........
ramu learns to write.. i learn to read :P
You help more than you know. You listen. Very well. Without judging to boot. And you give good hugs. And help me get hydrated after a night of bingeing and ranting about said ex :)
I was a sooper soppy romantic turned staunch cynic. Opposite, wot? :P
Did you know that before I ever knew you properly or talked to you like I do now, I always thought the guy you end up with or get together with would be The Catch. To end all catches. Observe capitals. I still think so. (Now i shall stop talking like this else it will turn into a fishing conversation).
And honestly,(this is me not being even a tad patronising here) you're better off having never been through the whole "ex"cruciating process :P
Muah :)
@ divi and now that you know me, hmmm...... not as sure? :P
To my knowledge, asexual people fall in love too, the only difference being that it is unaccompanied by sexual urges. All you need to do is make a good male friend. :P
Interestingly, would you have 'romance' if you could never have 'sexual urges'?
(Yeh, Ramu croons "You poooah lil babieeee" in the background while I try to remember what I wrote in that comment-that-got-lost. - Such is life.)
So, I started my blog coz you expressed extreme, utter distaste for the freewebs erce website. Seriously, it opened my eyes to the tackiness of it all :D (*cringes* thinking of the Titanic music that played on Page 2 with rhyming-obsessed poetry)
So, the world of non-rhyming stuff came under the definition of poetry coz in no small sentence you told me exactly what you thought of scotch brite being forced to rhyme with spite.
So, it wasn't that bad after all. Utilitarian, if you will.
P.S. Disagree with anon-above. **male** friend only why?
@ JD ?
@ anon, theres no romance, no sexual urges, no love! just knowing that something is missing.......
it was like this in school too, except it was with friends, plain and simple, didn't have the, missed them and needed them, just no one around to be friends with, not enough of a friend myself.
now I have great friends (I tried, I honestly tried, made some decisions, twasn't easy), eternally thankful to have them, I don't think gender matters. Its just my slow process of socialization.
@ hakuna sniff* wipes away tear, btw the first poem I ever wrote was about a girl apologising to a friend about her lack of appreciation for said friends poetry (unless you want to count a poem I wrote in prep where every line ended with ring, in which case it would be the second poem I ever wrote).
I don't have a problem with rhyming poems anymore (some of them, at any rate), but I still hate websites with music playing in the background, irritating!
it'll happen for you too!
..till then enjoy the luxuries of stayin single ..
Oh yeah.. websites with background music.. annoying!!!
Right.. a post like this runs the risk of many "Will u make fraandships with me" anonymous comments.
I was tempted to do this and since I have got over my urge for spewing sick humour, I have to say that it takes courage to write a brutally honest post such as this.
The other thing a post like this runs a risk of is unnecessary advice from all an sundry... and I am itching to offer some too... but I wont...
All I will say is that if you are as nice as your writing is... someone will be lucky to be liked or loved someday...
@ ATMM, thank you, especially for figuring out the amount of dithering I did, before I finally managed to hit the publish button.
The one comment that I truly treasure on this post, I got in my inbox, (coz that person didn't wanna put it up publicly). That comment made me glad I overshared. I helped someone (who feels the same and didn't know who to talk to), and as a bonus I now know whom to go to for empathy.
that one character was what remained after i paid heed to my dithering, before i hit the publish button, and undershared.
much off the topic, but something that would strike as ironic only to me - the word verificafion that i must type out to publif this comment is "prudiffe". i just came home after watching 'kaminey'.
@ JD, saw kaminey, you're not the only one who finds it ironic. :P
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